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Welcome to my unique Reiki Crystal Chakra Reading and Clearing session. As a Reiki Master, I combine my extensive knowledge with the energies of archangel card pulls, numerology, spiritual guides, and spirit animals. Each session is enhanced with affirmations, sound therapy, and aromatherapy to create a holistic healing experience tailored just for you. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, aligning your energies and inviting peace into your life.

Natural Cosmetic Products

"I've got a CRYSTAL for that"


AMBER - Solar Plexus Chakra, improves memory, courage and self-confidence.

Agate - Heart & Sacral Chakra, promotes fresh ideas and brings out your natural talents.

Aquamarine - Throat Chakra, promotes calmness, allows you to let go of hurt/pain.

Amethyst - Crown & Third Eye Chakra, relieves stress, enhances intuition & inner wisdom.

Angelite - Upper three Chakras, helps us communicate with our past loved ones.

BLACK AGATE - Root Chakra, promotes resilience, prosperity and courage.

Black Tourmaline - Root Chakra, protective stone against harm/negative energy, grounding.

Blue Apatite - Throat Chakra, #1 crystal for manifesting your wildest dreams.

Blue Lace Agate - Throat Chakra, relieves anger, helps with communication & public speaking.

BLue Quartz - Throat Chakra, promotes calmness, reduces anxiety, and focus on your success. 

Carnelian - Sacral Charka, enhances creativity & energy levels, helps with addiction.

CARIBBEAN CALCITE - Crown & Third Eye, releases stress, lucid dreaming, restful sleep.

Citrine - Solar Plexus Chakra, attracts happiness & joy to your life, personal power.

Clear Quartz - Crown Chakra, Master Crystal, amplifies energy of all crystals, mental clarity.

Chrysocolla - Throat & Heart Chakra, promotes transformation, tranquility & peace.

Crazy Lace Agate - Third Eye Chakra, known as the "Laughter" stone.

Dalmatian Jasper - Root Chakra, blocks bad dreams, grounding, calms animals and children.

Dream Amethyst - Crown & Third Eye Chakra, helps with dream recall.

Flower Agate - Heart & Root Chakra, calming stone, brings harmony to your life.

Fire Quartz - Root Chakra, releases fear and doubt,  ignites your "FIRE" to keep going.

Garden Quartz - Crown Chakra, helps us connect to our spirit guides and the Universe.

Golden Healer - Solar Plexus Chakra, Master Healer, heals physical and emotional issues.

Green Aventurine - Heart Chakra, brings good luck & good fortune, promotes joy.

Green Fluorite - Heart Chakra, realigns all your chakras.

GREEN JADE Heart Chakra, promotes positive flow of energy & brings peace to your life.

GREEN Moss Agate - Heart Chakra, releases aggression, promotes tranquility & emotional balance.

Honey Calcite - Solar Plexus Chakra, teaches us understanding and use of power.

Howlite - Crown Chakra, calms your racy mind and promotes restful sleep.

Labradorite - Third Eye & Throat Chakra, cleanses your aura, promotes perseverance.

Lapis - Third Eye & Throat Chakra, encourages strength and courage in troubling times.

LAVENDeR QUARTZ - Crown & Third Eye Chakra, heals emotional wounds, very


LEMON CALCITE - Solar Plexus Chakra, stone of introspection and self-development.

Lepidolite - Crown & Third Eye Chakra, known as the "PEACE" stone.

Malachite - Heart Chakra, #1 stone to manifest wealth & abundance.

MEXICAN CRAZY LACEBalances all Chakras, known as the happy stone 

MOLDIVATE - Heart Chakra, transformation, fortune, & protection.

MOONSTONE - Crown Chakra, new beginnings, fertility, inner growth.

Money Agate - Heart, Sacral & Root Chakra, grounding & calming, helps accept change.

Obsidian - Root Chakra, protective stone against harm/negative energy, grounding energy.

Ocean Jasper - Middle three Charkas, offers comfort in troubling times, heart opener.

Opalite - Crown Chakra, promotes optimism, removes negative energy, helps with insomnia.

Orange Calcite - Solar Plexus & Sacral Chakra, enhances positivity, stability & spirituality.

ORANGE SELENITE (RARE) Sacral Chakra, cleanses and charges your energy.

PolyChrome Jasper - Root Chakra, connects you with Mother Earth & is very grounding, great for meditation.

Prehinite - Heart Chakra, known as the "DREAMING" stone, enhances dream recall.

Purple Flourite - Third Eye Chakra, reduces tension, anxiety and brain fog, promotes spiritual awakening.

PYRITE - Solar Plexus Chakra, " MONEY STONE", enhances your personal power. 

Rainbow Fluorite - All Chakras, releases negative energy to make room for positive energy.
Rainbow MOONSTONE -Crown Chakra, feminine energy, shields aura, protective, new beginnings.

Red Jasper - Root Chakra, financial stability, releases self-doubt.

RED Moss Agate - Heart & Root Chakra, new beginnings, and very grounding.

Rose Quartz - Heart Chakra, brings unconditional love to your life, promotes self-love.

Tigers Eye - Solar Plexus Chakra, promotes courage and strength in tough times.

Trolleite- Throat Chakra, improves emotional well-being, promotes self-discipline.

Selenite - Crown Chakra, cleanses & changes all other crystals, mental clarity.

Serpentine - Heart Chakra, aids in meditation, opens psychic abilities, brings in wisdom.

Smokey Quartz - Root Chakra, helps release emotional baggage, very grounding.

Spharlerite - Lower Three Chakras, promotes energy, focus & drive, boosts immune system.

Sodalite - Third Eye & Throat Chakra, helps you speak the truth & see the truth in others.

WATERMELON TOURMALINE -   Heart Chakra & Root Chakra, promotes love, compassion and inner balance.

White Agate - Crown Chakra, stone of balance & release, detoxifying. 

WHITE JADE -  Crown Chakra, purity of thoughts and actions, peace and calm.

UNAKiTE - Third Eye Chakra & Heart Chakra, stone of vision, good for scrying, balance.

Yellow Aventurine - Solar Plexus Chakra, known as the "SELF-WORTH" stone.

Yellow Calcite - Solar Plexus Chakra, cleanses all chakras, releases negative energy from the past.

Zebra Agate - Crown & Root Chakra, stone of "BEING", brings on compassion & understanding towards others.


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